RV Monitoring



Picture this: You’ve just finished winterizing your RV and stored it until your next grand adventure. But while your cherished home-on-wheels sits in storage, unexpected troubles could be brewing. Imagine returning to find that a small roof leak has created extensive water damage, or that a power outage caused your refrigerator to defrost, leaving behind not just spoiled food but also mold and stains that have crept into your beautiful cabinetry. Sure, insurance might cover the repairs, but what about that long-planned trip to see the grandkids or that dream journey through the National Parks you’ve been looking forward to all year?

If you only had known about that leak before it became a major problem…

Here’s another common scenario: Your RV’s battery system slowly drains over time while in storage. Without regular charging, the batteries deteriorate, potentially leading to expensive replacements. Or perhaps there’s a small propane leak you’re unaware of, or your tire pressure is gradually dropping, compromising your safety on your next trip. By the time you discover these issues, what could have been simple fixes have turned into costly repairs and safety concerns.

If you only had known your batteries needed attention or that tire pressure was low…

And for those sunny days in Florida or Arizona – your RV could transform into an oven if the air conditioning fails, potentially damaging sensitive electronics, causing interior materials to warp, and creating perfect conditions for mold growth. Not to mention the discomfort of arriving at your RV to find it’s been baking in the sun for days.

That’s why we developed the our smart monitoring solution. Our system is specifically designed for RV owners who want peace of mind, whether their vehicle is in storage or parked at their favorite campground. Using advanced but easy-to-use technology, we monitor everything that matters:

When any of these measurements fall outside your preferred range, you’ll receive an immediate alert on your phone or tablet. No technical expertise required – just simple, clear notifications that let you take action before small issues become big problems.

Best of all? The entire system is designed to be as simple as your home thermostat. No complicated setup, no confusing technical jargon – just straightforward protection for your valuable investment and peace of mind for your travel adventures.

Don’t let unexpected issues derail your retirement adventures or family gatherings. Let our smart monitoring solution help you protect your home away from home, ensuring it’s always ready for your next journey.

Contact us today to learn how easy it is to add this layer of protection to your RV, or visit our website to see our monitoring solutions in action. Your adventures await – make sure your RV is ready when you are.


  • Temperature and humidity in multiple zones
  • Battery voltage and power consumption
  • Propane tank levels
  • Tire pressure monitoring
  • Water system pressure
  • Motion detection and security
  • Air quality (CO2/VOC levels)
  • Spirit level positioning
  • Door and window status

January 13, 2025